Archive for the Think Pink Category

A Boucher Kind of Day

Posted in 18th century, Francois Boucher, Madame de Pompadour, Think Pink on July 19, 2010 by babylonbaroque

As the always marvelous Chateau Thombeau, (link on my blog roll) kindly supplied the Think Pink clip from the delightful “Funny Face”, I was inspired to indeed Think Pink. When I think pink I think Boucher, when I of think Boucher  I  think of  joy.

Joy is in order.

Just one of those days of benign irritations and disappointments, Boucher always makes me smile.

Madame de Pompadour

ca. 1756

b. Dec. 29th 1721

d. Apr. 15th 1764

I thought it fitting to start with his great patroness, the ever lovely Pompadour

Now on to some Olympian lovemaking.

The Rape of Europa

ca. 1734

The Wallace Collection

Detail of the adorable bull.

Leda and the Swan

National Museum

Stockholm, Sweden

I have always loved this swan, such strength.

On to some images of dear Venus.

Vulcan presenting Venus with the Arms of Aeneas

ca. 1757


A pretty hot Vulcan for a god who is supposed to be both lame and ungainly.

Venus Consoling  Love

ca. 1751

National Gallery of Art

I have always admired the chubby doves.

Now for some Christian piety.

St. John the Baptist

ca. 1755

Evidently intended as a private devotional painting for the Pompadour. Again, pretty hot looking Blessed Saint John, cousin of our Lord and Savior.

I have always been drawn to the way Boucher renders fir boughs, they appear almost chinois.

Onto my eternal favorite, Chinoiserie.

Chinese Hunting

ca. 1742

Musee des Beaux-Arts

From Chinese Hunting, to plain old Anglo hunting.

The Crocodile Hunt

ca. 1739

Musee de Picardie

I  particularly love the dragon -like crocodile.

I am not an expert on Boucher (or frankly anything else), but I am pretty certain this is Boucher. Picked it up from another source it prompted my thinking of Boucher.

As a draughtsman, he held his own.

ca. 1770

I understand folks, particularly “Art” folks, dismiss Boucher.

Fragonard is recognized as legitimate, even with his Rococo roots, but Boucher is often not treated with great respect. I find that peculiar, I have always loved his work, a master of color and  the graceful line. The delightful and distinct red of the lips, the pink blush of the buttocks, the rumpled hair of the putti. What isn’t there to love and admire?

portrait of Boucher by Gustav Lundberg

ca. 1741

b. Sept. 29th 1703

d. May 30th 1770

Good Night