

This blog is devoted to that most maligned art, ornament.

For something that brings so much joy to so many, so universally loved and admired, it is often disparaged and maligned.

Ornament is NOT a crime, let’s have fun discussing it’s merits and it’s mis-applications.


L Greco

2nd February 2011

That was then, and although I am still devoted to Ornament, my interests have broadened.

I must confess when I first set up BabylonBaroque it was pretty much with the intention of promoting my decorative arts business, Greco Decorative Painting. The winds of change were rattling my shutters, I had hoped blogging would encourage business. I hadn’t prepared myself for what would await me , the opportunity to forgo design work that did not interest me or satisfy my creative desires. I never thought I would attend school, a novel experience for someone who has practiced self education with varying degrees of success.

My world has opened up, I am eager to share it.

Thanks for checking in,


New Work 2010

20 Responses to “About”

  1. Hello,
    Please be sure to check out my post tomorrow…

  2. Maite Zubiaurre Says:

    Dear Leonard,

    This is Maite Zubiaurre, Professor at UCLA, Los Angeles. I am writing a critical edition of the first novel on homosexuality written in Spanish (El Angel de Sodoma, 1927), and would like to use the painting of the angel fighting Jacob in your Web page. Do you know if the image is subjected to copyright. If so, whom should I address about the matter? I really appreciate your help!

    Best, and congratulations for your very interesting and suggestive web page,

    • babylonbaroque Says:

      That sounds exciting , will look into that for you as soon as I can. To save time do you remember which post ? I am blanking on the artiist’s name, my files are huge and my memory slim.
      I am in class at the moment, will respond soon,

    • babylonbaroque Says:

      I reposted the image with information concerning the painting’s location, the Dahesh. I first located the image through Wiki-Commons.
      I look forward to hearing about El Angel de Sodoma
      Take care, Leonard

  3. Came across your blog by accident. Suberb. Keep up this amazine work. Nice to see a bit of elegance and high culture out there for a change. I am a language teacher – Japanese and French – and base my classes on culture – which appeals very much to students. Congratulations for what you have done here. David

  4. Phillip Shaw Says:

    love your post – found it searching for chinoiserie tapestries I will read everything fabulous!

  5. Actually, classical art is being looked down upon here in Europe by the current art establishment, who’ve degraded art into some kind of fashion based on the understanding that art should be innovative. I feel Art should simply be immortal rather than trendy. So I’m glad to see such a nice blog. I would like to refer you to two fantastic contemporary painters who don’t get the respect they deserve, Hans Laagland from Belgium and Cornelis Le Mair from Holland just across the border from here. Judging from your post, I bet you’ll enjoy their works. Keep up the good work.

    • babylonbaroque Says:

      Thank you.
      I a perverse way I am pleased to hear that Europe has debased herself in the same manner as the States. Misery loves company I suppose. We do live in an ugly age, I think there is little escaping that but to look under the bushel for art that glimmers. As you have pointed out it is out there. I will look into your suggestions, thank you. I suggest you check out my friend Thom’s blog, Form is Void ( link on my blogroll). Thom is a man of impeccable taste, you will stumble across new work of great beauty, it is a treat. Thanks again for the encouraging words.

  6. Just found your dark and delicious site (while searching for images by Tiepolo.) I hope the lack of recent posts is due to a bout of extreme money-making activities? Meanwhile I will peruse the archives. Should you choose to visit my blog, I believe you will find some images that resonate (as well as many that don’t even resonate with me, anymore.) If you visit do please take a look at the Edward Gorey label for some tributes to that Master. I look forward to exploring Babylon Baroque.


    • babylonbaroque Says:

      Hello, I will indeed check out your site . Babylon Baroque is closed , at least at this point . I’m focusing my life on my own work, although as one would expect my work is influenced by my great loves( including Gorey).
      If at all curious feel free to pop into my studio journal (@ http://www.boondocksbabylon.com) or just wander through BB archives, it’s been awhile since I have looked at them.
      Thank you for your interest ,

  7. Thanks for calling by at my blog – no idea how you came across me. Interested you list ornament as your main purpose. I am working my way through the four Reith Lectures on Art by Grayson Perry which address a lot of the role of decoration in art. They are available on the BBC radio 4 website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00729d9/episodes/player
    I am finding them most entertaining and informative for someone who works outside that world.
    Your blog looks dark and interesting. I wil look further.

    • babylonbaroque Says:

      You were kind enough to visit my current studio journal (this blog, babylon baroque, is essentially closed, I keep it open for personal reference), my new site being http://www.boondocksbabylon.com. I too was curious as to how you stumbled upon my site, but happy you did.I admire your work. Take care, Leonard

  8. I just came across your blog on Donn P. Crane… beCAUSE… I am doing a little research for a project I am doing, looking for images. I pulled out my copy of My Bookhouse books… 1-6, belonging to my mom (1923, 1927 edition – she was born in 1927 and they all have her frontispiece in them)…which I, like you apparently, poured over and near to wore out, as a child. The illustrations in particular shaped my world and my sense of line and beauty, as an artist. I am so grateful to you for sharing what you found out about him from his granddaughter. My grandfather was Crane’s contemporary, and seeing my grandfather’s work, I wonder if he, Beaupre, Progany and Crane knew one another. My grandfather was an illustrator for 20 years from 1909-1929, in New York. He was from the midwest too. I found a collection of illustrators and their work, cut outs from magazines, in the special archives at Syracuse Univ. Among them were these artists, as well as NC Wyeth and Pyle.

    Anyway… just wanted to say thanks, and My Bookhouse books – the illustrations in particular – saved me too. Would love to hear from you. allison

    • babylonbaroque Says:

      Dear Allison, Pardon my not getting back to you. This blog is pretty much shut down and I barely read the comments. A pity if I had missed yours. Would love to see your work and of your grandfather . I imagine they knew one another. I had always thought, since boyhood, that Donn Crane was some relative of Walter Crane, if not for any reason then stylistic similarities. But I have been told that no relations are known. But Donn surely knew of Walter, who doesn’t. Donn (and Walter) have influence my art and my love of line. I keep a studio journal @ http://www.boondocksbabylon.com
      Hope to see you there from time to time, be well,

  9. Leonard – Lets DO stay in touch. I can see the influence of those illustrators and artists on your work! I wish there was a way for us to stay in touch directly… are you on FB? I am. I also have email but hesitate to post it here.

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