Archive for the Boris Deutsch Category

In Celebration of César Chávez, the murals of Boris Deutsch

Posted in 20th century, Boris Deutsch, WPA murals on March 31, 2011 by babylonbaroque

It appears odd to celebrate the Latino Chávez’s birth with the work of a Teuton, but such is the logic of Babylon.

Having recently visited  for the first time the Terminal Annex Post Office quite close to my home, I was struck by the WPA murals by the painter Boris Deutsch. His panels set into architectural lunettes are painted in the  odd Colonial-Latino-Indiginous-Deco sensibilities of the architecture; it is strange, not exactly beautiful, and thoroughly LA.

I thought they were a fitting tribute to man loved by so many here in the City of Angels.

Please pardon the quality, they were taken with my phone.

I really love the mask motif.



This is perhaps my favorite, the horned Kachina-like figure of particular interest .

This panel was barricaded off from the public, there might be other panels that are  also restricted from viewing.


César Chávez

b. 31st of March 1927

d. 23rd of April 1993


Happy Birthday Mr. Chávez.

Wishing all a pleasant day,

Babylon Baroque