Archive for the Physical Culture Category

Beefcake Monday, the eternal Eugene Sandow

Posted in 19th cent., Eugene Sandow, Physical Culture on November 7, 2010 by babylonbaroque

As Monday approaches , I thought we all could use a bit of male pulchritude; Sandow comes  to mind.

Our lovely boy for all his macho posturing was a bit of a coward. To avoid military service he left his Prussian home in 1885; soon the world would become his stage.

I particularly admire his desire to emulate the Grecian Ideal,  he was known to measure classical statuary, adapting the proportions to suit  his well endowed frame.

(image by Benjamin Falk, source for all Sandow images.)

I particularly love this image, the reference so clear…

Dying Gaul

Sandow enjoyed incredible popularity, for a culture so intent upon not allowing women to dare show an ankle; Sandow, with his allusions (pretensions) to Grecian beauty was free to pose in little more then a fig leaf, apparently in the company of the fairest sex.

Quite incredible, not a hint of steroid use, just animal protein, grunt work, and God given advantage.

For helpful hints check out his 1897 Strength and How To Obtain It.

As today, a pretty face and prettier abs sells bucketloads of crap, we are all eager for a quick fix; the following advertisement is not unlike late night  Bowflex enticements of not so very long ago.


Perhaps I can blame Sandow for my irrational belief that the hours I spend toiling at Gold’s will result in the magical transformation I so crave. He certainly started something with all that pretty flexing, here is a clip from 1895 ( how crazy is that,  a clip from a man long dead, THAT’S magical!)


Eugene Sandow

b. April 2nd 1867

d. October 14th 1925

Thank you Mr. Sandow for the beauty and the inspiration.

With that, Good Night,

Babylon Baroque