Alexander McQueen, how did we lose you?

Alexander Mc Queen’s last work was revealed today, and it is of course stunning.

I welled up when I heard the descriptions of his work on NPR. How he referenced Old Master paintings. the lavish beautiful complicated construction.

Such a thoughtful , deep souled artist.   I will miss the beauty he didn’t have the chance to create.

stunning, fit for a czarina.

Love the Lions of Judah rampant.

Fit for an Empress.

Beauty beyond belief.

Not much more to say, just ponder the wonders left to us.

Good night.

2 Responses to “Alexander McQueen, how did we lose you?”

  1. Len, you are so right. I never knew until his death how brillantly creative he was and the show room was right down the street. What a loss!

  2. Incredible, just incredible. Thank you for the post — each dress (and its inspiration) left me awed. Thoughtful, deep souled artist indeed.

    I am enjoying your blog immensely.

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